Update as of December 29, 2020
Face Masks Required & Social Distancing
Retail establishments
Masks are required and a limited number of people may be in a store at one time.
Capacity limits for many types of business are reduced, and there may be a wait to enter. Businesses and facilities may screen visitors for COVID-19. Venues may have strict seating charts, physical barriers, or signage to allow for social distancing. Everyone should always keep six feet of space between themselves and others.
Exposure notification - Many businesses are required to collect customer contact information to aid in contact tracing; entry will be denied if customer refuses.
Individuals must work from home unless their work cannot feasibly be performed remotely. Employees working in person must be screened daily for COVID-19 symptoms before entering the workplace. Masks and social distancing are required while working in-person. All other required safety and sanitation practices must be followed as well.
Routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces and tools.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Help keep our workers, customers and our doors open.
Masks available for those in need.
Update as of July 13, 2020
Requiring Face Masks
Under the governor's order:
To protect workers, shoppers, and the community, no business that is open to the public may provide service to a customer or allow a customer to enter its premises, unless the customer is wearing a face covering as required by this order.
- Businesses that are open to the public must post signs at entrance(s) instructing customers of their legal obligation to wear a face covering while inside. The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity may, in its discretion, require such businesses to post signs developed and made available by the Department, or conforming to requirements established by the Department.
- A department or agency that learns that a licensee is in violation of this section will consider weather the public health, safety or welfare requires summary, temporary suspension of the business's license to operate....... under section 92 of the Administrative Procedures Act.......
Help keep our workers, customers and our doors open.
Masks available for those in need.
Update as of July 1, 2020
As of today we are following our governors orders to keep our customers safe. Masks are still required, still a limit in our waiting room to 3 customers waiting at a time and we continue to practice social distancing. Armsteads continue to disinfect and clean throughout the day. Vehicles are wiped down before and after work is preformed.
Update as of May 4, 2020
Armstead Automotive are opening the doors now that our shields are installed. We will allow 3 customers at a time in our waiting room as we will continue to practice social distancing. Armsteads are continuing to sanitize throughout the day. Face coverings will follow our governors order, as of now they are required.
Update as of March 27, 2020
COVID-19 has impacted us all. How we work, how we learn, how we play, literally how we live. But we will get through this. Together as a family, as a community, as a nation, as the world, we can get through.
Armstead Automotive has adapted to a new procedure to keep you safe on the road
1. Our shop is thoroughly sanitizing before and after business hours. Our crew is constantly sanitizing throughout the day as well.
2. To schedule an appointment please call Holly or Saginaw. Our Service advisors are here for you. We want to get you in the safest way possible.
3. We will keep you informed through phone, text or email. Communication is very important. We want to make sure we are doing what YOU want.
4. When your vehicle gets here it will be wiped down: steering wheel, shifter, switches, door handles and door panel, etc. We want to make sure our customers stay healthy and so do our employees. This is done before and after work is performed.
5. Payment. We prefer accepting payments over the phone.
6. Invoices will be placed on the front seat and/or email if needed.
Armstead crew THANKS YOU! You are what is keeping us here. We are here for our customers.